GitHub - fzaninotto/Faker: Faker is a PHP library that

Generate documentation for php API based application. No dependency. No framework required. - calinrada/php-apidoc JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts Automatic generation of client side image maps to make it possible to generate drill-down graphs. Extensive documentation with both a > 750 pages tutorial and an extensive class reference. JpGraph is an Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP5 (>=5.1) and PHP7.0 The library is completely written in PHP and ready to be used in any PHP JSON Form Builder: Generate a HTML form definition in This class can generate a HTML form definition in JSON format. It takes as parameter the path of a JSON file and parses it to extract the definition of the form options as well the options of all the inputs contained in the form. The class generates HTML for the form and its inputs.

PHP: hash_hmac - Manual

Mar 02, 2020

After the annotiations have been added you can run php artisan l5-swagger:generate to generate the documentation. Alternatively, you can set L5_SWAGGER_GENERATE_ALWAYS to true in your .env file so that your documentation will automatically be generated. Make sure your settings in config/l5-swagger.php are complete. Using Swagger UI with Passport

GitHub - DarkaOnLine/L5-Swagger: Swagger integration to After the annotiations have been added you can run php artisan l5-swagger:generate to generate the documentation. Alternatively, you can set L5_SWAGGER_GENERATE_ALWAYS to true in your .env file so that your documentation will automatically be generated. Make sure your settings in config/l5-swagger.php are complete. Using Swagger UI with Passport Javadocs - Help | IntelliJ IDEA Jul 02, 2020 Authorize.Net API Documentation